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Reading 1 & Creating Immersion, Creating Presence

Updated: Sep 9, 2023


An interesting aspect to note from the podcast is the two sides of perception regarding technological advancements. On one hand, it is seen as a harbinger of new opportunities, a tool that can potentially remake society, fostering individual expression and birthing an entirely new lexicon of creative expression. This utopian perspective emphasizes the possibilities of rekindling connections, fostering innovation, and creating more egalitarian spaces, echoing the initial surge of enthusiasm that followed the advent of the VR technology. However, this enthusiasm is tempered with a grounded realization of the intrinsic limitations of technology. It raises pertinent questions regarding the ethical implications of substituting real, tangible human connections with virtual ones. It reminds me of various instances where virtual connections have perhaps made us more isolated, feeding into a paradox of connected yet disconnected realities. In the end, it seems imperative to foster a harmonious balance, a symbiosis where technology and humanity coexist, complementing each other rather than competing. Another takeaway is the example of virtual postcards, which offers a canvas where personal memories and technology intertwine to create deeply immersive and emotionally resonant experiences. This not only offers a new form of artistic expression but also highlights the humane side of technology, anchoring it in personal narratives and lived experiences that make the technology distinctly personal and evocative.

Creating Immersion, Creating Presence

For this project, we tried to create an immersive video game experience. We implemented various strategies to enhance the sense of presence within the game by representing the depth of engagement and connectivity a player feels within the game environment. One such method is adjusting the ambient lighting in the room. Turning off the lights can minimize distractions and help the player focus more intently on the game's visuals and audio. Noah found this third-person perspective in the Kirby game series, which transported player into a vibrant and dynamic world. The incorporation of environmental factors such as wind forces and strategic lighting is to mimic the game characters' skills and actions. These elements function synergistically, immersing the player in a realm where every nuance is felt more intensely, forging a deeper connection between the individual and the virtual space. In the end, we hope that we have created an environment where players can fully immerse themselves and experience the intricacies and nuances of the gameplay in a more direct and engaged manner.

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