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Immersive Experience Final

"Synthetic Celestials" is a series of interrelated works that journey through the realms of 3D animation, augmented reality, and interactive body tracking art. This series is a contemplation on the seamless fusion of art and technology, where the celestial elegance of the moon is reimagined through the lens of digital metamorphosis.

In the Unity-animated segment, audiences witness a digital moon's evolution, its serene surface gradually yielding to a complex symphony of metallic parts and gears. This transformation is not just visual but a narrative on the melding of natural phenomena with human ingenuity.

Transitioning to the augmented reality experience crafted in Adobe Aero, "Synthetic Celestials" invites viewers to step into a world where the boundaries between the physical and the digital blur. Here, the mechanical moon becomes a tangible presence in our environment, challenging our perceptions of space and reality.

T he journey culminates with an interactive installation using p5.js, where participants' movements and forms intertwine with the digital celestial body.

Project Overview

  • Type: Immersive Art Series (3D Animation, Augmented Reality, Interactive Body Tracking)

  • Technologies Used: Unity, Adobe Aero, p5.js

  • Focus: Immersive and interactive experiences combining digital art with celestial themes.

Concept and Inspiration

  • Central Theme: A journey through the evolution of celestial bodies, transformed by digital artistry.

  • Immersion Goal: To create a series where viewers not only witness celestial transformations but also become active participants in these evolving digital landscapes.

Component 1: Immersive 3D Animation in Unity

  • Tool: Unity

  • Description: A captivating 3D animation where viewers see the moon's transformation from natural to mechanical, enhanced by Unity's advanced rendering and animation capabilities.

  • Immersive Elements: Detailed visuals, smooth animations, and a narrative that draws viewers into the transformation process.

Component 2: Interactive Augmented Reality with Adobe Aero

  • Tool: Adobe Aero

  • Description: This AR experience brings the moon into the user's physical space, allowing for direct interaction and exploration.

  • Immersive Elements: Real-time interaction, spatial awareness, and the blending of digital content with the real world, creating a deeply engaging AR experience.

Component 3: Interactive Body Tracking with p5.js

  • Tool: p5.js

  • Description: Participants' movements and forms influence the visual narrative, creating a unique and personal celestial interaction in each session.

  • Immersive Elements: Real-time body tracking that allows participants to directly influence and become part of the artwork, fostering a deep sense of immersion and personal connection.

Future Directions

  • Enhancing Immersion: Exploring virtual reality (VR) possibilities to further envelop users in the celestial narrative.

  • Interactive Storytelling: Introducing more interactive elements and branching narratives based on user actions and decisions.

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